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Like all hunting with hounds, fox hunting is designed to be cruel. Hounds are bred for stamina, providing the 'sport' of a lengthy chase. The fox is forced to run as far and as fast as it can until exhausted, when the hounds will catch and kill it. Hunters claim that the fox is killed instantly, but evidence has shown again and again that the fox is just as likely to be torn apart alive. Hunts can kill 20,000 foxes and their cubs annually. In many parts of Britain the brown hare population is under great pressure due mainly to modern intensive farming. And yet, the species continues to be hunted and killed by packs of hounds and coursed by greyhounds simply for 'sport'. About 1,650 hares are killed annually by hunting by the registered packs and about 250 by the registered coursing clubs. Much larger numbers are killed by illegal coursing.
Hard to imagine why anyone would want to brutally kill her for fun isn't it?
Act now to get this obscenity out of our countryside!
Although hunting deer with hounds has been illegal in Scotland for over 30 years, it still continues in England. Hunts chase and kill approximately 120 red deer every year. A stag hunt may last for over eight hours as the hunts select the strongest deer to provide the best chase. Badgers are one of Britain's best loved animals, and although fully protected by law from digging and baiting, they are still persecuted by a minority of criminals who kill as many as 10,000 animals every year. Mink hunting is a summer bloodsport. When mink are scented there is a chase by the hounds. If caught on the ground or in the water, the mink is torn apart by the hounds.