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Welcome to the Plymouth Animal Rights Information Network. This site will act as a forum to supply information, resources and contacts for animal rights activity in Plymouth and the surrounding areas. If you know of an issue locally and don't see what you are looking for here, let us know and we will add it to the site. |
In memory of Barry Horne
The fight is not for us, not for our personal wants and needs. It is for every animal that has ever suffered and died in the vivisection labs, and for every animal that will suffer and die in those same labs unless we end this evil business now! The souls of the tortured dead cry out for justice, the cry of the living is for freedom. We can create that justice and we can deliver that freedom. The animals have no-one but us, we will not fail them.
Barry Horne
What are animal rights?
It is said that the catalyst for the animal rights movement came from Peter Singer's book - Animal Liberation. Like the civil rights and environmental movement, animal rights has gone from strength to strength with many past and imminant victories. Essentially, we do not believe that we have the right to exploit other animals (after all, we are animals too!) in any way. Every animal has a right to a peaceful and natural life. We believe that animal abuse and exploitation is specieism - which is akin to racism and sexism and we will not only refuse to be a part of it, we will take an active role in fighting against it. |
A word...
to the doubters, to the apathetic and to those who would do better if they had the will, know this one truth; that if you live your life through the suffering of others, the world will be a better place when you die.
Take hold of your life now and be worthy of it!
David Cowles-Hamar 1993

This site is in no way intended to incite illegal acts whatsover. Contact: tinavegan@yahoo.com